Yesterday I had an encounter to deal with. One of my managers was abused by his reportee. This employee is a fantastic performer and was rated 'Excellent' by the manager in his levelling. When this levelling got rationalized at a higher level, the 'Excellent' rated person had to be brought down to the leel below which was 'Met expectations'. What always surprises me is this. An engineer, an individual contributor, inspite of his/her great logical thinking in coding rarely understands this life principle. He/She usually thinks 'Why me', 'I have put in my blood sweat and tears and I get just this rating'. I explained to this employee in detail about how individual bell curve fitments finally gets into the bigger curve and an organization needs to have the correct distribution of great and average performers.
We might have Sania Mirza as a great tennis player but when it comes to world ranking she is 50+ ranked!
It's hard and unfair sometimes. But one cannot always be assessed the best or worst all the time. If one realises that he/she will be fairly judged most of the time if one performs well, then there is no fear of failure or fear of rejection. Otherwise, the career goes down in a spiral since you have to combat stress, being fussy, sidelined, moods and overall low esteem.
We all are unique in some ways and no one can really be compared with another person. So, walk with your head high and with a smile always on your lips.